acceptance, being, keralotinspired, mindful, Relationships, Uncategorized

Make it known

Today i’m going to leave all the mindful and self-aware talk aside and speak about something that concerns me and frustrates me at the same time.

Chivalry! More of a basis of todays blog.

I want to refuse to believe that it is dead but my goodness, I feel like I am being proved wrong on the daily. I’m not even talking about opening the door for a lady or any of those sweet little gestures.Β 

You can open the door for her, pull her seat out at the dinner table but still be an asshole.Β 

Ok we all have assholic ways in us but you know what I mean in this context. (We have all been as asshole to someone at some point in ours live…own it!Β We Have It All!

I am quite old fashioned when it comes to dating. I did try to get with the times but no! Not for me! All that instant gratification bullshit.

The joy of the journey has been lost. The joy of getting to know another person and spending time with them without lusting over them has died. Where you become attracted to them on a deeper level😍. A level that leaves you intrigued every time. A level that leaves your mind blown!πŸ’£

I prefer the courting period(yes I said courting), which gives me the time I need to get to know someone. Why don’t people date/court any more? Peoples intentions for getting into relationships are so sad these days, which is why I am single…until an old-school dented knight that has come back from battle, stumbles upon my path πŸ˜…πŸ˜†

What is it with people getting offended about you not trusting them? I do not know you, how can I trust you? It goes both ways. I am not going to be offended and I seriously don’t understand why you would feel offended.

Can someone please explain this whole thing of just assuming one is exclusive to you when you didn’t even ask the person to be exclusive with you?! What happened to people formally asking each other out on a formal date or to be exclusive? What happened to making your intentions known? Why has it become such a taboo topic.

It’s so sad to hear of people being afraid to want what they want because they are scared that they will scare the person off. Things like “I don’t want to ask him/her what we are” or “I don’t want to ask him/her where this is going”. Why the hell not? You are investing your time in someone. It is your absolute right to have clarity on those things,Β  and if the person was “old-school”, you wouldn’t need to ask those questions because their intentions would be clear. Also, if that person is secure in their being and unafraid of emotion, then you won’t experience the deer in headlights look. 😁

Why do people tip-toe around everything? Can one really be that afraid of rejection or the fear of being alone? If so, then you a humongous ego to deflate or some serious self-love issues to tackle, stat, honey-child.(A Hustler Will Never Flow!) There is nothing to lose and a whole lot more to gain.

If you not going to ask me to be your girlfriend, don’t assume I am going to do girlfriend things for you. πŸ˜‚! That cracks me up every single time. Also, don’t assume that I am just going to invite you to things when you haven’t made any effort to show any interest. That one boggles me but I choose to not even try to understand that because I will just drive myself crazy.πŸ˜… ok I am crazy(the silly kind) but not the bat-shit crazy kind😲.

And for the people who bitch about the gold diggers, best you shut it when you are guilty of rocking up to an evening without your wallet and ask the person of interest, to pay.πŸ˜• Happened to me not too long ago, again! 😁. I don’t mind paying but don’t come empty handed and then ask me to pay when you haven’t even taken me on an official date yet and you aren’t my friend, c’mon man. If you can’t pay your way, stay at home. That goes for everyone in any situation. The free-loader movement is strong of late. πŸ˜πŸ‘€

Ladies and gentlemen, stop putting your best foot forward in the beginning. Put your real foot forward. It is actually the honest way to start something. Don’t show off all your best sides and then once you got the person, unleash the dragon! πŸ˜²πŸ˜„.

And good, good people. Since when do you not understand that everyone has more than one side to them. The fact that they are comfortable enough to show you all sides of them should actually be more appealing. It is a very superficial world that we live in where a lot of people think that it should be a fairy tale from beginning to end, damn you Hollywood and Bollywood 😒, but that is not reality. We all have things to deal with on the daily. Having the vulnerability to communicate that to your significant other is a wonderful and attractive quality. Instead of making them the punching bag hmmm.

We are all familiar with Yin and Yang, positive and negative go hand-in-hand. It is called balance. Ok I brought some mindfulness into the whole thing. It’s my thing.

Instead of judging, start understanding. You have both sides to you too, accept that about you. When you understand, acceptance becomes so much easier. I am not saying that because you accept it, you have to stay with the person. Their values may not resonate with your values when it comes to a relationship. That is ok too! It’s just about understanding them rather than judging.

People judge when they don’t understand right?

Let’s go back to the good old days when it comes to certain things. Being current in all aspects of life isn’t the best option. Choose things that resonate with you, not with the majority.

Stand out and be proud even if the reason for why you stand out is not one that everyone gets. It’s ok. You can’t expect everyone to like you… where is the balance in that.

Peace Love Happiness


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