being, keralotinspired, mindful, new beginning, personal growth, surrender, Uncategorized

Planning for the future?

Don't you love the feeling of looking forward to a quiet weekend at home...and then it turns into the absolute opposite instead. That is why when people ask me, what are your plans for the weekend, for the next five years or life in general, I respond with "I don't plan". Then you see the… Continue reading Planning for the future?

bloggie, new beginning, personal growth, Uncategorized

It Happens To All of Us!

Bob Dylan sang about it “The times they are a changin'” Every leader or politician promised change during their campaigns, knowing that it would resonate with people. Every spiritual guide encourages change. Some may wonder what the big deal is, others may cringe at the thought of change and others will welcome it with open… Continue reading It Happens To All of Us!